Listening to Amanda Gronich
Meredith Akins
Out of nowhere, I find myself in my last year of graduate school. Where did the time go? Oh my, I’m supposed to write a thesis...wait, huh?...An ethnodrama...Wait! In groups? Of people with completely different schedules and needs than I might have? I was already nervous, but now...I am afraid. Give me strength! And so the journey of my last year at CCNY begins. I keep reminding myself of what Sobha said several times in Drama In Education my first semester as a graduate student. “You will be prepared!”. I’m holding you to that Ms. Kavanakudiyil! And so with that, I have kept my ears, eyes, heart, and mind open to learn and be inspired by others. When guest speaker, Amanda Gronich, came to our Content Research Seminar class, I was listening.
I was in Europe performing when the
nation was gripped by the events of Laramie, WY. I returned to the States
in November 1998 and Matthew Shepard had already died. It was still big
news and there was talk of hate crimes. Just 4 months prior, a
black man, James Byrd, Jr., had been tied to a truck and dragged to death by
three white men in Jasper, TX. Hate crimes were part of the conversation
already and everyone had an opinion. Even though I didn’t know much about
the events, I was horrified that, once again, someone was killed for simply
I was eager to watch The Laramie
Project on HBO in 2002 because I had missed much of the news footage in
Europe. I wanted to see what “actually happened”. Sadly, I watched
the first 10 minutes...and turned it off because it didn’t seem like a movie.
“Where was the action? They didn’t even show an actor playing
Matthew Shepard”. It is embarrassing to me now, but I was young. I
didn’t understand that this was the most real movies get. I had never
heard of the play, The Laramie Project, thus I didn’t understand that the movie
was based on the real transcriptions gathered by members of Tectonic Theatre,
including Amanda Gronich. There was actually plenty of action in the
movie. It was the type of action that lead to transformative change.
Ms. Gronich continued to empower us to
think, “What is it that theatre can do that no other media can do” throughout
the night. It made me think of the responsibility and accountability on
us as researchers. How do I tell a story that can either inspire change
or create more questions? Ms. Gronich heard and supported our wants and
concerns with our final project. She listened objectively in much the
same way she did when she conducted interviews for The Laramie Project.
By the end of the night, I understood that it would be through sharing.The
sharing of stories, opinions, and most importantly, emotions with my research
group. It won’t always be easy and it is still a bit daunting, but if we
are clear on what is important in theatre education and how we can share our
narratives, our work of art will create a space for change or inquiry in a way
that no other media can do. We have to be willing to tell our stories to one
another first in order to find a way in. This is more than just about a
grade. It is a way to share our artistry.